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英式橄榄球 马球 板球 斯诺克台球 飞镖 就这些英国人玩得不错了现在 其他的像 足球 羽毛球 乒乓球 虽然也起源于英国 但英国人已经不行了


你好!之所以大多数现代体育运动都起源于英国,我认为原因主要体现在以下两大方面: 一、经济与政治的影响。英国率先完成工业革命,确立资产阶级统治政权促进资本主义进一步发展。通过工业革命的影响使英国社会劳动生产率普遍提高而将人们从繁重的物质生产劳动力解放出来,促使新兴的资产阶级和市民的生活观与消费观发生很大变化,体育运动作为健康文明的休闲方式逐渐被民众所接受。与此同时,英国资产阶级统治政权为了更好统治而宣扬传播自身价值观与行为方式,大力推广普及现代体育运动来满足英国中下阶级与市民的体育运动休闲需求,从而孕育诞生了足球、赛马、板球、高尔夫、网球、乒乓球、羽毛球、曲棍球、橄榄球、斯诺克台球等大多数现代体育运动。 二、英语语言文化殖民的影响。英国为发展资本主义搞全球殖民扩张,成为日不落帝国,在全球大力推广英语语言普及与英国文化殖民,形成了大量由英国制定规则与用英语文化书写标准的行业。受此影响催生出了大多数现代体育运动的英国规则与英语解释用语,由此大多数现代体育运动也都跟着起源于英国。


一共有九大项目起源于英国。 1 乒乓球 作为中国的国球,乒乓球在中国有着深厚的群众基础,不过这项中国人最擅长的运动起源于19世纪末的英国。 当时的乒乓球是网球运动在桌上的延伸,被称为“桌上网球”。 直到1900年左右,球才由轻而富有弹性的实心球改为赛璐璐(一种塑料材质)制成的空心球,这也让乒乓球开始区别于网球。 1988年汉城奥运会,乒乓球被列为正式项目。 2 羽毛球 羽毛球的英文是badminton,这个英文的来源就是它的诞生地――英格兰格拉斯哥郡的巴德明顿。 1873年该项目诞生之后,在20世纪初传到亚洲、美洲、大洋洲、非洲,1920年前后传入中国,开始仅仅在北京、上海、广州、天津等大城市的基督教青年会和一些大中学校里开展。 1988年汉城奥运会被列为表演项目,1992年巴塞罗那奥运会成为正式项目。 3 现代足球 古代足球诞生于中国,不过蹴鞠无论是球的材质还是规则,都和现代足球有所区别。 目前奥运会上进行的现代足球起源于英国,1863年,英国成立了足协,并制订了第一套统一的竞赛规则。 1908年伦敦奥运会,足球被列为正式项目。 4 现代射箭 现代射箭于14世纪起源于英国,它由武士的军事需要演变成娱乐运动。 1972年慕尼黑奥运会,射箭被列为正式项目。 5 竞走 竞走起源于英国,1867年,英国举行了第一次竞走锦标赛。 1908年伦敦奥运会,竞走被列为正式项目。 6 现代拳击 现代拳击运动起源于英国,分业余拳击和职业拳击两大体系,奥运会拳击比赛属于业余拳击赛。 1920年安特卫普奥运会,拳击被列为正式比赛项目。 7 现代曲棍球 现代曲棍球运动起源于19世纪初的英国,是奥运会历史最为悠久的项目之一。 1908年伦敦奥运会,曲棍球被列为正式项目。 8 赛艇 赛艇起源于英国,其原型是17世纪泰晤士河船工们经常举行划船比赛。1715年为庆祝英王加冕,首次举行赛艇比赛。 1896年雅典奥运会,赛艇被列为正式项目,但当时由于天气恶劣临时取消。 9 水球 水球起源于19世纪中叶的英国,最初是人们游泳时在水中掷球的一种娱乐活动,由于当时的英国足球运动员经常把足球抛在水中嬉戏,以此锻炼身体,因此又有“水上足球”之称。 1900年巴黎奥运会,水球被列为正式项目。 翻译:A total of nine large project originated in the United Kingdom. 1 table tennis As a Chinese national ball game, table tennis in China has a deep mass base, but the Chinese most good at sport originated in Britain at the end of the 19th century. The table tennis is tennis movement in the extension of the table, known as the "table tennis". Until around 1900, only made of light and elastic solid sphere to x celluloid (a kind of plastic material) made of hollow ball, this also let table tennis began to different from tennis. The 1988 Seoul Olympic Games, table tennis is listed as official project. 2 badminton Badminton English is badminton, the source of the English is its birthplace - England Glasgow county budd minton. In 1873, the project was born later, in the early 20th century to Asia, the americas, Oceania, Africa, around 1920 was introduced into China, began to only in Beijing, Shanghai, guangzhou, tianjin and other cities of the young men's Christian association and some big in the school development. The 1988 Seoul Olympic Games is listed as performance project, 1992 Barcelona Olympic Games become official project. 3 the modern football Ancient football was born in China, but cuju whether the ball material or rules, and modern football different. At present the Olympic Games in modern football originated in the United Kingdom, in 1863, the British set up the football association, and formulate the first set of unified competition rules. 1908 London Olympic Games, football is listed as official project. 4 modern archery Modern archery in 14 century originated in the United Kingdom, it consists of the samurai's military needs to evolve into entertainment sports. The 1972 Munich Olympic Games, and archery were classified as official project. 5 race Race originated in the United Kingdom, 1867, Britain held the first race championship. 1908 London Olympic Games, race is listed as official project. 6 Modern boxing Modern boxing movement originated in the United Kingdom, points amateur boxing and professional boxing two big system, the Olympic Games boxing match belong to amateur boxing match. 1920 Antwerp games, boxing were classified as official event. 7 7 modern hockey Modern hockey originated in the early 19th century Britain, the Olympic Games is the most long history of one of the items. 1908 London Olympic Games, hockey is listed as official project. 8 rowing Rowing originated in the United Kingdom, the prototype is in the 17th century the river Thames waterman are often held a boat race. 1715 to celebrate the crowned king, for the first time held a rowing competition. The 1896 Athens Olympic Games, rowing were classified as official project, but then cancel because of the bad weather. 9 water polo The water polo was developed in the middle of the 19th century England, was originally people swimming in the water throwing the ball one kind of recreational activity, because the British football player often put into play football in the water, so as to exercise the body, therefore have again "water football," said. The 1900 Olympics in Paris, water polo is listed as official project.



