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Love Somebody - Maroon 5 I know your inside, you're feeling so hollow And it's a hard pill for you to swallow But If I fall for you, I'll never recover If I fall for you, i'll never be the same I really want to love somebody I really want to dance the night away I know we're only half way there But you take me all the way, you take me all the way I really want to touch somebody I think about you every single day I know we're only half way there But you take me all the way, you take me all the way You're such a hard act for me to follow Love me today don't leave me tomorrow, yeah But if I fall for you, i'll never recover If I fall for you, i'll never be the same I really want to love somebody I really want to dance the night away I know we're only half way there But you take me all the way, you take me all the way I really want to touch somebody I think about you every single day I know we're only half way there But you take me all the way, you take me all the way Oh, oh, oh, oh I don't know where to start, i'm just a little lost I wanna feel like we never gone, ever stopped I don't what to do, i'm right in front of you Asking you to stay, you should stay, stay with me tonight, yeah I really want to love somebody I really want to dance the night away I know we're only half way there But you take me all the way, you take me all the way I really want to touch somebody I think about you every single day I know we're only half way there But you take me all the way, you take me all the way Oh, oh, oh, oh You take me all the way, you take me all the way


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S4总决赛的战歌,无惧的勇士(Warriors)这首与谜幻乐团(Imagine Dragons)合作打造歌曲。 BGM超级燃,那段时候一直单曲循环,因为百度知道会屏蔽链接,MV的链接我就不发上面了,你可以直接搜,望采纳中保太和


The    Legends

歌曲名《The Legends》,别名《英雄联盟2018季中冠军赛BP音乐》,由 Boris Nonte、Gregg Lehrman 演唱,收录于《Big Beat Orchestra, Vol. 2》专辑中。大概30秒的时候就是这个音乐,这块的旋律很难忘记,我也找了好久。




2018英雄联盟季中冠军赛是以英雄联盟为项目的电子竞技比赛,由Riot Games举办。2018季中冠军赛共14支战队参加,已于5月3日至5月20日在德国柏林与法国巴黎举行。



shell shocked 电影《忍者神龟变种时代的》主题曲 如果觉得答案解决了你的问题,请采纳,有问题可继续追问




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