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网易订阅:球队nop 「科普小知识」NBA各球队英文简称

西部联盟 :休斯顿火箭队(HOU)、Houston Rockets

金州勇士队(GSW)、Golden State Warriors

洛杉矶快船队(LAC)、 Los Angeles Clippers

洛杉矶湖人队(LAL)、 Los Angeles Lakers

圣安东尼奥马刺队(SAS)、 San Antonio Spurs

达拉斯独行侠队(DAL)、Dallas Mavericks

孟菲斯灰熊队(MEM)、 Vancouver Grizzlies

新奥尔良鹈鹕队(NOP)、 New Orleans Pelicans

萨克拉门托国王队(SAC)、 Sacramento Kings

菲尼克斯太阳队(PHX)、 Phoenix Suns

俄克拉荷马雷霆队(OKC)、 Oklahoma City Thunder

波特兰开拓者队(POR)、 Portland Trail Blazers

犹他爵士队(UTA)、 Utah Jazz

丹佛掘金队(DEN)、 Denver Nuggets

明尼苏达森林狼(MIN)、 Minnesota Timberwolves

东部联盟: 多伦多猛龙队(TOR)、 Toronto Raptors

布鲁克林篮网队(BKN)、 Brooklyn Nets

波士顿凯尔特人队(BOS)、 Boston Celtics

纽约尼克斯队(NYK)、 New York Knicks

夏洛特黄蜂(CHA)、 Charlotte Hornets

克里弗兰骑士队(CLE)、 Cleveland Cavaliers

费城76队(PHI)、 Philadelphia 76ers

迈阿密热火队(MIA)、Miami Heat

亚特兰大老鹰(ATL)、Atlanta Hawks

底特律活塞队(DET)、Detroit Pistons

华盛顿奇才(WAS)、 Washington Wizards

奥兰多魔术队(ORL)、 Orlando Magic

芝加哥公牛队(CHI)、 Chicago Bulls

印第安纳步行者队(IND)、Indiana Pacers

密尔沃基雄鹿队(MIL)、 Milwaukee Bucks

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网易订阅:球队nop 「科普小知识」NBA各球队英文简称

[Charania] Warriors All-Star DeMarcus Cousins has been diagnosed with a torn left quad, league sources tell @TheAthleticNBA @Stadium. Devastating for Cousins, who had MRI early this morning.



[–]Heat KniGht1st 36 points 6 hours ago

Literally his second playoff game and he is done for the season again, dude is cursed.


[–]Thunder thebestonenz 6 points 5 hours ago

Oh well at least he'll probably get a ring finally


[–][SAC] Isaiah Thomas NickLidstrom 7 points 2 hours ago

Sure, but it won't mean anything for his legacy if he doesn't play.


[–][HOU] Patrick Beverley speedofsound1 1903 points 6 hours ago

Can't believe he only got to play one full playoff game. What a shame


[–][NOP] Jrue Holiday Bhavin411 1114 points 6 hours ago

Idk if you can even call it a full game. He fouled out after 21 minutes.


[–]Suns LilChaka 253 points 6 hours ago

What impact does this have on his decision as a FA? Kerr said earlier this year they'll get DeMarcus his ring and sent him out with a good contract elsewhere, so I wonder if that still stands. Also wonder if any team would be willing to pay him large sums of money after his past few years


[–][TOR] Chris Bosh thiagosilva2 48 points 5 hours ago*

Doubtful he gets big money, when you consider these injuries combined with the fact that he's turnover prone, foul prone, a defensive liability in this era, has below average efficiency for a star big man, and the fact that he was a locker room cancer in Sacramento. Seems to have improved on the last part with golden state though, but who knows what he'll be like if he's in a losing environment again


[–]Raptors mash90 165 points 6 hours ago

Unlikely any team would be willing to give him anything more than $5-10 million (per year) over 2-3 years. He could very well miss the entirety of the 2019-2020 season as well. This puts him in a tough situation contract-wise, I'm very curious to see how this plays out.


[–][OKC] Russell Westbrook eighteendollars 49 points 4 hours ago

Yo I hope presti throws 5 mill at this man tho


[–]Knicks Saucy_Totchie 68 points 3 hours ago

Hell probably sign with absolutely anyone willing to give him anything. A torn quad on top of a torn Achilles is nearly unheard of. Probably sign with a contender for the minimum.


[–]SailT 10 points 3 hours ago

You meant Mavericks


[–]Thunder newman796 2707 points 6 hours ago*

That’s gonna be huge on his free agency. He might even have to re-sign with Golden State for another year to prove he’s healthy again. Sad as hell


[–]Pelicans daybreaker 622 points 6 hours ago

"Why would he sign 2 years for $40mil total with the Pels, when he can do this one year with GSW, get a ring, and then get a 4 year max?"

"In case he gets seriously injured again?"

"Yeah but what are the odds of that happening?"

- every conversation over the last year where the Pels fan in the middle got tons of downvotes for suggesting the one year $5mil deal was a risk and he shouldve done 2yrs at 20mil/yr with the Pels.





[–]Bucks iFinesseThePlug 111 points 6 hours ago

And this is why injury-prone players often take guaranteed multi-year deals.


[–]Spurs AsnSensation 93 points 5 hours ago

I guess he's at least lucky that it happened during his second "big contract" instead of rookie extension. Man already made 80 Mil in the league so it's not like he's starving if he never gets another contracts except for mins


[–]ilovepizza420forever 44 points 5 hours ago

Unless he spent it all and made bad money decisions, which could be the case.


[–]OrangeKlip 118 points 4 hours ago

I feel like if a player is predisposed to making bad money decisions, they will lose all their money no matter how much they make.


[–][MIL] Gary Payton radpandaparty 48 points 5 hours ago

Lakers have space and will need a Center, they should offer him something


[–][LAL] Chris Mihm ChrisKamanUrMouth 51 points 4 hours ago

Don’t wish that evil on us.


[–]The_ARABTHUNDR 27 points 4 hours ago

I’m sorry would you rather a 32 y/o javale mcgee instead?


[–]Lakers DudeWTH 7 points an hour ago

Better than 2 major injuries no defense boogie


[–]Nuggets jimithelizardking 18 points 4 hours ago

They’ll max Vucevic



[–]Pacers TheBoilerCat 874 points 6 hours ago

Dammit, right after that torn Achilles. Poor guy.


[–][DAL] Dirk Nowitzki NBAnew 30 points 6 hours ago

same leg. gotta wonder if he overworked it during rehab to get back on the court asap.


[–][SAS] Tiago Splitter thecrunchcrew 46 points 6 hours ago

That runs contrary to the narrative of him signing with the Warriors in part due to it allowing him to rehab at a safer pace.


[–]Pacers NotoriusNC 28 points 6 hours ago

IDK man Shit happens even if you take your time


[–][SAS] Tiago Splitter thecrunchcrew 18 points 6 hours ago

I'm not saying the two injuries are necessarily unrelated. I'm saying that "he hurried back too quickly" and "he went to GS because it allowed him to take his time returning" don't gel so well.


[–]Trail Blazers zipzog 351 points 6 hours ago

Man that is unlucky for him. His first playoff series too.


[–]Pacers NotoriusNC 152 points 6 hours ago

Yeah he signed with the Warriors to get a ring and he won't even get his first series win in the Playoffs


[–]Warriors mehblah666 46 points 6 hours ago

While hustling for a loose ball. This shit isn’t fucking fair for him. Can’t imagine what he must be feeling right now.


[–]Raptors twistedlogicx 560 points 6 hours ago

Bummer for a guy who worked so hard to get back and get himself a better deal in the Summer.


[–][UTA] John Stockton Thehealeroftri 196 points 6 hours ago

He might stay with the Warriors if no one else will pay him. He seems to like it there, so that's a plus side for his recovery at least.


[–]Cavaliers quantamskates 72 points 6 hours ago

I don’t feel bad for him. I wasn’t wishing it on him, but I don’t feel bad for him.


[–]NBA meatboat2tunatown 42 points 6 hours ago

I'll stand by you and take some downvotes.


[–]Bucks badvibes- 26 points 4 hours ago

Yeah fuck this pity party. It sucks for him but I’m not gonna pretend like I’m upset over it.



[–]Warriors Xavientt 98 points 7 hours ago

I feel so bad for him.


[–][TOR] Pascal Siakam Kenji_Of_East 71 points 6 hours ago

Same here. I personally hated his move of signing with the warriors but the mindset of “this is karma” is toxic and asshole-ish. Boogie is still a hardworking athlete who’s worked hard to get to where he is now and now he can’t do what he loves for a while because of this bs unfair world. How awful must it be to put in his shoes right now. so I think we should all pray for a quick and full recovery.


[–]DiddleMePink 35 points 7 hours ago

Absolutely brutal. Boogie will have his time again, tho. He killed it returning from his achilles tear and I expect more of the same


[–]Kings lend_me_a_tenor 36 points 6 hours ago

The thing is, he hasn’t really been injury prone throughout his career. Before the torn Achilles I can’t recall him having a serious injury.


He’s just getting super unlucky.


[–]prodigy2throw 167 points 6 hours ago

$200 million gone. Just like that.


[–][GSW] Kevin Durant Arrivedercii 341 points 7 hours ago

Isaiah Thomas all over again.


[–][NOP] Jahlil Okafor LieutenantKumar 389 points 6 hours ago

Nah. IT got traded after injury, which is worse than turning down 2/40 out of spite


[–]Bulls cobrakaistrikefree 86 points 6 hours ago

wasnt the second year a team option? so more like 1/20


[–]Bullets opiusmaximus2 110 points 5 hours ago

Still better than 1/5.


[–]Knicks AnAnonymousFool 67 points 5 hours ago

He gambled on himself and lost. If you’re confident in your own ability, 1/5 + ring + new contract is better than 2/40


[–]steamydan 54 points 6 hours ago

At least Boogie will always have his size. IT without explosiveness is much more devastating.


[–]WackyWack4 15 points 4 hours ago

Yeah IT is washed but it's sad to see people claim that IT has always sucked and never deserved a payday



