小红书:篮球队cle 「键盘侠」KD身披超音速球衣亮相|杜小帅一“战”圈粉

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小红书:篮球队cle 「键盘侠」KD身披超音速球衣亮相|杜小帅一“战”圈粉

Kevin Durant wears a Shawn Kemp Sonics jersey pre-game at the Key Arena - ESPN



[–]Hawks KrucialSloth 2217 points 1 day ago

Jesus that thumbnail makes Durant look even skinnier


[–][CLE] LeBron James Mateossio 186 points 1 day ago

And balder


[–]Bucks HarrisonsNotAfful 439 points 1 day ago

Alright, Cleveland fans are not allowed to take shots about a bald guy


[–]Cavaliers s_s 92 points 1 day ago

Put some respect to Big Z's name...


[–][CLE] LeBron James evanmckee 676 points 1 day ago

I legit thought it was a clip from his rookie season before I read the title


[–]Celtics TheondreJordan 122 points 1 day ago

Looking like Sonics rookie edition KD



[–]Knicks emoti0n 4826 points 1 day ago

yo somebody get seattle a fuckin basketball team lmao


[–]Supersonics Cpwdos2 818 points 1 day ago*

Nowhere is safe


[–][LAL] Magic Johnson washedrope5 112 指標 10小時前

They can have the Clippers, but only if they move their fans with them. It's too crowded here. Those 50 fewer people might help.


[–]Jazz av8id 756 points 1 day ago

Fuck you Starbucks!


[–]Supersonics SLICKlikeBUTTA 92 points 1 day ago

I like you.


[–]Supersonics Ben_johnston 636 points 1 day ago

Specifically fuck Howard Schultz

He recently quit as the boss of Starbucks in order to focus on his upcoming 2020 presidential run, where he plans to sell the United States to Oklahoma and then write another book about how he is just such a gee golly innocent and magnanimous man



[–]Trail Blazers HarryPStyles 383 points 1 day ago

Fuck Howard Schultz, fuck Clay Bennet + all members of the gas cartel, and fuck David Stern.



[–][BKN] D'Angelo Russell ZeroFucksToGive 842 points 1 day ago

Damn Seattle drafted a generation talent and never really got to experience him past his rookie season. Hope the Sonics come back soon.


[–][GSW] Zarko Cabarkapa IAmNotKevinDurant_35 549 points 1 day ago

They technically drafted Westbrook too


[–]WrooooongTrump 198 points 1 day ago

Somewhere in this world there's a Sonic's Westbrook jersey around.


[–]Knicks abado 170 points 1 day ago

I have an irrational hatred for OKC just because of how seattle got treated, that shit wasn't right.



[–]Warriors notdonaldglover 1192 points 1 day ago

As soon as Seattle gets their team back, KD will be back too


[–]WarriorsBfx219 71 points 1 day ago

KD retiring in Seattle might get everyone to forgive him for going to Golden State


[–][OKC] Kevin Durant xRingo 345 points 1 day ago

From what I saw its around 2026. KD will be old :(. I thought maybe in the next 2 years.


[–]Bulls DoubleAW 210 points 1 day ago

Well, the NHL team will probably be there by 2020 or 2021, I don't see why it couldn't be earlier.


[–]LarBrd33 132 指標 10小時前

I was trying to think of which team I'd feel least bad about relocating.

Aside from OKC, obviously, I'm going with Memphis. That team was stolen from Vancouver anyways. Either them or the Clippers. You don't need two teams in the same building.



[–]Bulls jbiresq 37 points 1 day ago

Clippers are going to build their own arena though. But Ballmer did want to buy the Kings and move them to Seattle before he got the Clips.


[–]Banana_massacre 193 points 1 day ago

if the grizzlies moved to seattle and not back to vancouver i’d be livid



[–]76ers Ish_but_the_1st_time 906 points 1 day ago

That was such a classy move by Kevin Durant.

Not just the jersey, but giving a shoutout to the Storm as well.



[–]Supersonics shitmothsrandy 31 points 1 day ago

I wasn't emotionally prepared for this...


[–]Warriors beastmodem 170 points 1 day ago

He gave it away to a kid in a BBB sweatshirt lmao


[–]exiledforce 1217 points 1 day ago

I got goosebumps seeing him in a Sonics jersey again. I dream one day that we get an organization back so I can move back home and work for it.


[–]Kings gnullify 29 points 1 day ago

I'm not crying, you're crying.


[–]The-Alcoholic 25 points 1 day ago

I walked upstairs to see my mom crying on the couch with my stepdad. They went to a Sonics game for their first date


[–]Lakers redmane222 656 points 1 day ago

It is really one of the coolest name, city, jersey combos ever and it moved to be a bland ass okc franchise. Now I love what Okc has built and become, but from an aesthetic, original standpoint the Sonics deserve to be around


[–][POR] Ruben Boumtje-Boumtje Ivan_Joiderpus 79 points 1 day ago

As a Blazer fan, aside from a Blazer title the one thing I want to see in the NBA is Seattle get their team back. I miss our little PNW rivalry a lot. I know Sounders/Timbers is great, but damnit it's just not the same to me as Sonics/Blazers.

Ruben Boumtje-Boumtje球迷:作为一个开拓者球迷,除了期待开拓者夺冠之外,我还希望西雅图能够有一支NBA球队。我非常怀念当初的太平洋西北地区的对抗。我知道西雅图海湾人和波特兰伐木工的较量也很经典,但这对我来说,就是比不上超音速vs开拓者。

[–]Thunder hoodiemelo 69 points 1 day ago

Obviously I’m happy we have the Thunder, but I would love nothing more than the SuperSonics to be back.



[–]Warriors crow38 304 points 1 day ago

its awesome that the warriors let him do that and awesome that he did


[–][CLE] Kevin Love quentin-coldwater 66 points 1 day ago

would he even have to ask the Warriors? It's intros for a preseason game.


[–]Lakers cfcforeverfan 119 points 1 day ago

dont see why they dont let him to do so, Sonics arent existing at the moment so there is no competition, and this is good marketing, good pr to GSW team as a loveable team


[–]Lakers 9D_Chess 133 points 1 day ago

He's a free agent next year isn't he? Pretty sure KD could get away with taking a shit on Bob Myers desk at this point


[–]LMD_AU 59 points 1 day ago

And on Bob Myers


[–]Warriors Bk7 51 points 1 day ago

Maybe Bob likes that.



[–]Knicks MyLadySansa 150 points 1 day ago

Well, damn, that got me right in the feels. Nice going, KD.


[–]Jazz bigg_pete 15 points 1 day ago

Yeah this just added a couple of + points on my Durant ranking


[–]Lakers Jayymeister 93 points 1 day ago

That was pretty cool


[–]Lakers darklord0530 47 points 1 day ago

Thank you KD, very cool!


[–]Supersonics neongem 115 points 1 day ago

He really reps Seattle and the Sonics hard man. Sorry r/nba and most other NBA fans but I can NEVER hate this man. Go KD!


[–]Lakers cfcforeverfan 25 points 1 day ago

no matter how many NBA fans hate him, Sonics fans will love him forever


[–]Trail Blazers KingUltimate1 101 points 1 day ago

Man it's weird seeing positive KD comments


[–][GSW] Zarko Cabarkapa IAmNotKevinDurant_35 92 points 1 day ago

People want to like KD. He's a good dude. They just hate the Warriors and he's not wearing a warriors jersey here so KD isn't the devil for one night


[–]Warriors mintberryCRUUNCH 197 points 1 day ago

What a moment. And it won't be the last time we'll see him in that jersey.

Well, probably the last time we see him in a Shawn Kemp jersey, but that's not what I mean.



[–][CHI] Jimmy Butler NotoriousVader 115 points 1 day ago

Kevin durant is 30. It ain’t happening.


[–][LAL] Jodie Meeks ArchimedesNutss 33 points 1 day ago

I can see him signing that vet minimum at 38 to ride off into the sunset a sonic






小红书:篮球队cle 「键盘侠」KD身披超音速球衣亮相|杜小帅一“战”圈粉

Steve Kerr: SuperSonics leaving Seattle 'was a real black mark on the NBA'



[–]loltheprocess 996 points 4 days ago

I demand that the NBA bring the SuperSonics back! The name is just too awesome.


[–]Heat xanborghini 262 points 4 days ago

I honestly can’t wait to see them come back and what their new logo would look like modernized


[–]Thunder Grolgar 48 points 4 days ago*

The irony is that the two cities where the SuperSonic name is most applicable are Seattle (where SuperSonic aircraft was manufactured) and Oklahoma City (where it was tested for 6 months in 1964). In the end, OKC residents were intolerant of the Sonic Booms so SuperSonic production was ended. OKC ended Seattle's Sonics twice. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oklahoma_City_sonic_boom_tests



[–]Warriors DubCity_30-23-35-11 31 points 4 days ago

And this is why no one likes them


[–]NBA zxc123zxc123 603 points 4 days ago

1、Seattle gets new team.

2、Gets the rights to use Seattle SuperSonics.

3、KD rejoins Seattle to win one for the Emerald City. Insists that he wasn't disloyal to OKC so much as extra loyal to the SuperSonics.

4、Comes back to win in the finals from down 3-1 against the 74-8 Celtics (who ironically beat Giannis from down 3-1 themselves)

Who says no?






[–][SEA] Luke Ridnour cwt36 413 points 4 days ago

Keep going, I'm almost there.


[–]NBAzxc123zxc123 269 points 4 days ago

You guys throw a giant parade on a nice summer day.

Everyone doesn't hate KD anymore.

KD gets the recognition he deserves after taking the hardest-er road.

Everything is right in the world.

And then Giannis joins the Celtics that summer.






[–][BOS] Al Horford AGreekLegend 7 points 4 days ago

God as a Greek Celtics fan I’m rock hard


[–]Raptors DeCant_DeGuardme 112 points 4 days ago*

So Giannis is the new KD in this timeline...


[–]Spurs Vince5970 27 points 4 days ago

KD then calls whoever's the president at the time a bum on that president's favorite social media platform


[–]sanmateokid 10 points 4 days ago

What if that president is Pop?


[–][SEA] Luke Ridnour cwt36 30 points 4 days ago

Just finished.



[–]Raptors SoloFunc 140 points 4 days ago

At least OKC didn't take the name with the team, so now if a team does come to Seattle they can be named the SuperSonics.

Yeah, I'm looking at you Memphis. why would you keep the team name as Grizzlies? I don't even think there are any actual Grizzlies in Tennessee.



[–][SEA] Ray Allen ValidPompadour[S] 22 points 4 days ago

Any other name you would give a Memphis franchise? :0 Only one I can think of is the Memphis Sounds.


[–]EVOG99 22 points 4 days ago

Memphis BBQ. Being from Vancouver, that's a franchise name I could get behind.


[–][TOR] DeMar DeRozan augustineiver 315 points 4 days ago

The city was so pumped to have a young phenom in Durant and to see his jerseys being sold for dirt cheap a few months after they moved was really sad.


[–]Supersonics FavreorFarva 195 points 4 days ago

The KD era could have surpassed the 70’s title run and the Glove/Kemp years for the most exciting run in franchise history.

Instead we had to root against him because an OKC title with Clay Bennett lifting the trophy and being praised for the move would have made me (and most other Sonics fans) physically ill. I’m pretty sure they put a Miami Heat flag on top of the space needle during the finals. The pettiness was fantastic.

I’m going to the preseason game to see KD again and see my favorite Coug, Klay Thompson and I could not be more excited!




[–]Supers onicsgonzo_ball 96 points 4 days ago*

The other added tragedy is the possibility of having those sonics teams coincide with the best era of seahawks football . It would've been the most incredible time for Seattle sports and was all taken from us.


[–]burywmore 209 points 4 days ago

As a Trailblazer fan, losing the Sonic's was terrible. Portland has become an NBA island, with no natural rivals. The one good thing is the Blazers being the only team in the Northwest division, who are actually in the Northwest.



[–]Jazz REXdunk 29 points 4 days ago

Basically every team in the NW division is on an island


[–]hoop_ve 71 points 4 days ago

lost the Grizzlies too


[–][POR] Arvydas Sabonis glswenson 55 points 4 days ago

I hope so bad that Seattle and Vancouver get teams again so we can have a Cascadia Cup in the NBA.



[–]Supersonics Intoxicated_Platypus 442 points 4 days ago

Fuck Howard Schultz


[–]MonkeyC3PO 57 points 4 days ago

Exactly what I was going to say.

Fuck Howard Schultz!


[–]MonkeyC3PO 40 points 4 days ago

I don't drink Starbucks because of that asshole!!


[–]Supersonicsgonzo_ball 62 points 4 days ago

I don't drink starbucks cuz it tastes like asshole


[–]Supersonics Haejang-guk 258 points 4 days ago

And Clay Bennett, and David Stern.


[–][GSW] Manute BolWish_Whisperer 133 points 4 days ago

Bennett explicitly said he wouldn't move the team.

That there was nothing to worry about.


[–]Raptors DeCant_DeGuardme 30 points 4 days ago

Usually when people say there is nothing to worry about, there usually is...


[–][CLE] DeSagana Diop thatNBAguyFIERI 400 points 4 days ago

Literally nobody outside of okc is happy about that to this day damn shame


[–]Thunder Knugles 160 points 4 days ago

I’m happy Oklahoma got our first Pro team.

Wish it didn’t have to be like this, but I’m happy all the same.


[–]Clippers SDHill1980 40 points 4 days ago

You should have kept the franchise that became the Pelicans in OKC instead...the NBA should have never returned to New Orleans even after Hurricane Katrina. That's the real fallacy in Seattle losing the Sonics...it wasn't just OKC that benefited, NOLA did as well.


[–]WestDrew_Brees_9 68 points 4 days ago

How about we move the Clippers to Seattle since u already have the Lakers in LA.


[–][WAS] Michael Jordan ttovotsttnt 77 points 4 days ago

I'm happy for a state that got its one and only major professional sports team. I also love the name SuperSonics and they were one of my favorite teams growing up.


[–]Thunder KanyeEast_23 44 points 4 days ago

Sonics fans got screwed. That being said I'm so happy that we got the Thunder. I used to be all about OU and college football and now my favorite sport is by far the NBA and the Thunder are my favorite sports team.


[–]Supersonics BBallinStalin 35 points 4 days ago

Don't ever feel bad about loving the thunder, it's not like it was your decision to take the sonics from Seattle. Sorry if that sounded weird I just don't think sonics fans should have hate for okc fans.



[–]Supersonics Jnav207 110 points 4 days ago

Love Steve Kerr even more now


[–]Supersonics FavreorFarva 56 points 4 days ago

Kerr and KD to expansion Sonics please.


[–]Warriors WakingRage 10 points 4 days ago

I wouldn't even be mad if we lost Steve Kerr to the expansion. Seattle deserves an NBA team and a good coach to start their franchise again.



