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Located in south area, 2780400 square kilometers, the coastline of 4000 km  in the country, after Brazil. 

Located in South America, southeast, south and east coast Atlantic island, west Antarctica borders with Chile, north, northeast of Bolivia, Brazil and Paraguay with Uruguay.

 Relief from west to east gradually match. West is roll, majestic magnificent mountains, for the andes from southern Argentina

South Africa is a big country with beautiful scenery and suitable for people to live in. I really like this country for four years. The world cup in South Africa is an exciting time for football fans in the world.

Although the world cup is over, the enthusiasm of the fans is still high. My favorite football team is Argentina, and my favorite star Messi. He was a famous football player when he was 23 years old, Argentina is a Barcelona forward and Argentina international.


阿根廷属于南美洲 国名:阿根廷共和国 La República Argentina 英文为The Republic of Argentina 代码AR 阿根廷首都是布宜诺斯艾利斯 经纬度:33.29S 60W 国名由来:在西班牙语中,“阿根廷”与“拉普拉塔”两词意义相同,均为“白银”。