百家号:c罗 视频:求C罗假摔的视频

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百家号:c罗 视频:求C罗假摔的视频


http://www.***.com/150040.html http://v.ku6.com/show/1ewMpEz-Er3EW4-p.html http://you.video.sina.com.cn/b/16408827-1355995835.html


混音效果弄得我耳朵好累啊 总算听出几句歌词! Robbie Williams-- Bodies 这是MV: <a href="http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/IRWBVdd3u3w/isRenhe=1" target="_blank">http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/IRWBVdd3u3w/isRenhe=1</a> 不过楼上说的也对 嘻嘻


混音效果弄得我耳朵好累啊 总算听出几句歌词! Robbie Williams-- Bodies 这是MV: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/IRWBVdd3u3w/isRenhe=1 不过楼上说的也对 嘻嘻




百家号:c罗 视频:求C罗假摔的视频















百家号:c罗 视频:求C罗假摔的视频




http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/3SgwEJnr4Zs/ 做c罗的 球迷 真幸福 如果能现场看他比赛更幸福


你们强,你们来踢好了,大力神杯肯定是你棒起的,只是塑料的~~ C罗再不好,也比你们这些不懂得欣赏别人的优点,只会指责别人缺点的人强~ 你们是哪个狗耳朵听见C罗骂人了?是哪个狗眼看到C罗没真本事~~ C罗赢球的时候你们咋不看见别人的实力,只知道别人输了就瞎起哄。西班牙实力有好强吗?那未必见得,如果真的实力强怎么不打个7:0来看看。如果真的实力强,何必去争那个越位球,靠这种德性活下去的西班牙,我会看着他们怎么败在巴拉圭脚下的。 我再看见谁骂C罗,我就用草人插谁~~~ 问题补充:新闻上炒作说C说在输西班牙这场比赛的时候,离场的时候没去安慰队员。大家想想,如果换你,当时你会有这么好的心理素质,就是为了不让媒体炒作他不是一名负责的队长,还假心假意的去安慰队员,我想他的队员会理解他的。 葡萄牙输了,但是在我们心里没有输,谁都知道西班牙进那球是越位球,所以C罗输得很光彩啊。我们不怪裁判,只怪球场上到处是血腥的味道。 反正球赛不是你赢就是我输,但是至少证明了一点,葡萄牙队已经努力了,C罗、门将爱德华多、佩佩等都很努力了,那你们骂C罗的人

8上期天下足球C罗的这段视频 背景音乐叫什么名字啊?

Leave Out All The Rest 来自 Linkin Park Minutes To Midnight NAX I dreamed I was missing You were so scared But no one would listen 'Cause no one else cares After my dreaming I woke with this fear What am I leaving When I'm done here So if you're asking me I want you to know When my time comes Forget the one that I've done Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed And don't resent me And when you're feeling empty Keep me in your memory Leave out all the rest Leave out all the rest Don't be afraid I've taken my beating I've shed when I'm near I'm strong to surface Not all the way through I've never been perfect But neither have you So if you're asking me I want you to know When my time comes Forget the one that I've done Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed Don't resent me And when you're feeling empty Keep me in your memory Leave out all the rest Leave out all the rest Forgetting all the hurt inside You've learned to hide so well Pretending someone else can come and save me From myself I can't be who you are When my time comes Forget the one that I've done Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed Don't resent me And when you're feeling empty Keep me in your memory Leave out all the rest Leave out all the rest Forgetting all the hurt inside You've learned to hide so well Pretending someone else can come and save me From myself I can't be who you are I can't be who you are -= Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest =-


c罗名言英语 1、我把别人对我的批评当作一种恭维。 i put on my criticism as a compliment. 2、你们的爱让我变强,你们的恨让我不可阻挡。 your love makes me strong, your hate makes me unstoppable. 3、我从来都不惧怕压力,老实说,我享受这种压力。 i never afraid of pressure, to be honest, i enjoy this kind of pressure. 4、只要我想做的事情,没有任何人能改变我,弗格森也不能。 as long as i want to do, no one can change me, ferguson also can't. 5、如果你不想着为自己的祖国效力,那么你绝对不是个好球员。 if you don't want to play for his country, then you definitely not a good player. 6、我就是世界上最好的球员,我也是世界上第一第二第三的球员。 i am the best player in the world, and i am also the first second and third player in the world. 7、你问我最爱的人是谁?我只爱3种人,亲人,恩人,支持我的人! you ask who is my favorite? i only love three people, the family member, benefactor, support me! 8、曼彻斯特并不适合久居,但这是一家伟大的俱乐部,我在这里非常开心。 manchester is not suitable for living, but this is a great club, i'm very happy to be here. 9、没有失败,就不会有成功,失败并不可怕,可怕的是你因为失败而放弃自己的梦想。 without failure, there will be no success, failure is not terrible, terrible is you give up your dream because of the failure. 10、我与梅西的关系并不是你们想的那样糟糕,未来有一天也许你们会看见我们在一起喝酒谈心。 my relationship with lionel messi is not bad, you want it to future maybe one day you will see we talk together to drink. 11、有些球迷不断嘘我,向我吹口哨,骂我的家人,我觉得他们就是嫉妒我,有钱,又帅气,还有高超的球技。 some fans constantly boo me, to my whistle, scold my family, i think they are jealous of me, rich, and handsome, and superb skill. 12、如果有朝一日,人们会像崇敬贝斯特或者贝克汉姆那样崇敬我,我会感到非常骄傲,那正是我为之努力的目标。 if one day, people will respect me like reverence best or david beckham, i feel very proud, that's just what i work on target. 13、以我的人生经历,我可以告诉一些年轻球员,如果你想成为一位巨星,那么光有球技是不行的,你必须要懂得一些做人的道理! in my experience, i can tell some young players, if you want to be a superstar, so light has skill is no good, you have to understand some person of truth! 14、我的终极梦想是为国效力,帮助葡萄牙获得世界杯,如果明年能在巴西世界杯上夺冠,那么我的则业生涯将没有遗憾,从此退役。 my ultimate dream is for my country, to help portugal's world cup, if next year would win the world cup in brazil, so my business career will have no regrets, retired from now on. 15、我们经历了好多终于走到现在。可是我们怎么了呢磨合期吗好可怕我好怕失去你你呢。你没有什么害怕的你都不会带我去你的未来。 we had a lot of walk to now at last. but how do we adjust period? terrible i'm afraid to lose you, how are you. you don't fear what you don't take me to your future. 16、我已经说了一百万次了,我乐意去西班牙踢球,我在这里也感到很开心,但让我们在冠军联赛决赛结束后再让我们看看会发生什么吧。 i have said one million times, i'd be happy to go to spain to play, i also feel very happy here, but let us at the end of the champions league final again let us see what will happen. 17、我是一个多愁善感的人,我每次获得成功上台领奖的时候,我脑海里都会浮现出我父亲的身影,我想告诉他,爸爸我成功了,你知道吗? i am a sentimental person, every time i successfully awarded prizes, my mind will emerge out of my father, i want to tell him, daddy, i succeeded, you know? 18、人一定要有颗感恩的心,无论你取得多大的成功,你都不能忘记一些帮助过你的人或者朋友,弗格森就像是我足球上的父亲,他在我心中的位置永远是no.1。 people must have a grateful heart, no matter you how much success, you can't forget some helped you or a friend, sir alex ferguson is like my father, football his position in my heart will always be no. 1. 望采纳,谢谢!