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是什么让人变得了不起 是拿牛奶箱当篮筐练习投篮 是连续三年当选俄亥俄州篮球先生 连续三次为高中夺得州际篮赛冠军 或是当选状元秀年度新人 最年轻得8000总得分前锋 还是率领球队历史上第一次进入总决赛如果在22岁前, 你就做到这一切这些都很了不起 但是, 这一些都会过去你在乎的是赢得未来 英文翻译 what makes someone great? is it learn to shoot on a mill frame? what about being named mr basketball of Ohio 3 times in a roll? what is when hanging 3 state championships in your high school gym? maybe being number one nba draft pick, rookie of the year, score 8 thousands points, leading your team into the final, f irst time in our history, what if you did all that beofore age of 22, all those things been great,that's what happened., and what you care about, is what you haven't done yet!


是什么让人变得了不起 是拿牛奶箱当篮筐练习投篮 是连续三年当选俄亥俄州篮球先生 连续三次为高中夺得州际篮赛冠军 或是当选状元秀 年度新人 最年轻得8000总得分前锋 还是率领球队历史上第一次进入总决赛 如果在22岁前,你就做到这一切 这些都很了不起 但是,这一些都会过去 你在乎的 是赢得未来 英文的 what makes someone great? is it learn to shoot on a mill frame? what about being named mr basketball of Ohio 3 times in a roll? what is when hanging 3 state championships in your high school gym? maybe being number one nba draft pick, rookie of the year, score 8 thousands points, leading your team into the final, first time in our history, what if you did all that beofore age of 22, all those things been great,that's what happened., and what you care about, is what you haven't done yet!


是什么让人变得了不起 是拿牛奶箱当篮筐练习投篮 是连续三年当选俄亥俄州篮球先生 连续三次为高中夺得州际篮赛冠军 或是当选状元秀 年度新人 最年轻得8000总得分前锋 还是率领球队历史上第一次进入总决赛 如果在22岁前,你就做到这一切 这些都很了不起 但是,这一些都会过去 你在乎的 是赢得未来 英文的 what makes someone great? is it learn to shoot on a mill frame? what about being named mr basketball of Ohio 3 times in a roll? what is when hanging 3 state championships in your high school gym? maybe being number one nba draft pick, rookie of the year, score 8 thousands points, leading your team into the final, first time in our history, what if you did all that beofore age of 22, all those things been great,that's what happened., and what you care about, is what you haven't done yet!


what makes someone great? is it learn to shoot on a milk crate? what about being named MR. basketball of Ohio three times in a row? what is hanging three state championships banners in your high school gym? maybe is being number one drafted,rookie of the year,the youngeat score 8000 points,or leading your team into the finals,for the first time in our history, what if you did all that before age of 22, all those things are great? but that's what happens., and now you care about, is what you haven't done yet!




什么使某人棒? 它正在学习射击在。。。, 或三....中学一排的 championshiop? 新手在那年, 或对结局带领一个队, 第一在全部时间的历史中,或。。。 那有你还没有做的。


NIKE的 What makes someone great? Is it learning to shoot on a milk crate What about being named Mr. Basketball Ohio three times in a row? Or is it hanging three State championship banners in your high school gym? Maybe it’s being the number one draft pick, rookie of the year, the youngest to score 8000 points, or leading the team to the finals for the first time in our history? What if you did all that before the age of 22? All of those things are great, but that's what happens when all you care about is what you haven't done yet.


NIKE的 What makes someone great? Is it learning to shoot on a milk crate What about being named Mr. Basketball Ohio three times in a row? Or is it hanging three State championship banners in your high school gym? Maybe it’s being the number one draft pick, rookie of the year, the youngest to score 8000 points, or leading the team to the finals for the first time in our history? What if you did all that before the age of 22? All of those things are great, but that's what happens when all you care about is what you haven't done yet.


这是科比和詹姆斯所有耐克公仔广告地址,皇帝好可爱,飞侠好囧的... http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTQyODk5ODg=.html 科比VS詹姆斯公仔1-季后赛 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTQyOTAwNDQ=.html科比-詹姆斯公仔2-总冠军戒指 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTQyOTAxMTI=.html科比VS詹姆斯公仔3-无法阻挡 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTQyOTAxOTY=.html 科比-詹姆斯公仔4——刘易斯女士 KOBE LEBRON 就是这样


是什么让人变得了不起 是拿牛奶箱当篮筐练习投篮 是连续三年当选俄亥俄州篮球先生 连续三次为高中夺得州际篮赛冠军 或是当选状元秀 年度新人 最年轻得8000总得分前锋 还是率领球队历史上第一次进入总决赛 如果在22岁前,你就做到这一切 这些都很了不起 但是,这一些都会过去 你在乎的 是赢得未来 英文的 what makes someone great? is it learn to shoot on a mill frame? what about being named mr basketball of Ohio 3 times in a roll? what is when hanging 3 state championships in your high school gym? maybe being number one nba draft pick, rookie of the year, score 8 thousands points, leading your team into the final, first time in our history, what if you did all that beofore age of 22, all those things been great,that's what happened., and what you care about, is what you haven't done yet!